How to Make Facebook Profile Name Single

8:42:00 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

We know Facebook is a top social networking site. Now-a-days about 1.59 Billion people are using Facebook. It is increasing day by day.
Today we introduce a common Facebook trick which name is "How to make Facebook profile name single or remove the last name from Facebook". Although Facebook doesn't make it any ordinary way, but by using some tricks we can do it. Do you know why Facebook doesn't allow single name? Yes, you are the right way we know most of the people has two names which is called "First name" or "Surname" and other is "Last name". But many Indonesian people has only one name that's why Facebook allowed theirs single name on Facebook. Thus, only by using Indonesian proxy they can make their name single. Me and you are not Indonesian citizen so for making our Facebook profile name single we have to need use some unusual way which is Facebook doesn't support officially. Don't worry, it is not risky. Unusual way means not a crime, it is only a trick. Follow below steps one by one to do it. So, take a look below.

Image_Facebook single name.

Step #1: At first go to the link from your Google Chrome browser.  Click Here
Download & Install the extension.

Download and Installation process:
Image 1

Image 2
Image 3

Step #2: Now go to your Facebook account. Then again go to your Facebook Settings > Language change the language from "English (US)" to "Bahasa Indonesia" and save it.

Step #3: Go to "GeoProxy" extension which you had already installed. Click GeoProxy icon and set Country as "Indonesia" then click the Search button. Now set a proxy from the list.
Geo Proxy

Step #4: At last go to your Facebook name changing option (In Indonesian language : " Umum") and write down only your "First Name" or "Sure Name" and remove all other names. Example: Middle name and Last name. Then  click the save button. Finally, give your password  and Save it.

Give your Password

Step #5: The Tricks has been done.

Special Note:
  • You have must be needed "Google Chrome"  browser (other browser doesn't work)
  • After changing your name, change your Facebook language "Bahasa Indonesia" to "English (US)".
  • Disable "Geo-proxy extension"

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April 9, 2016 at 12:15 AM delete

Very helpful article. It is works 100%. Thanks.


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